Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The President drove a truck the other day.  He found out that being in the driver’s seat scares the crap out of him.

Continuing on a bit from the last blog, although he speaks of mainstream media being “fake news,” President Trump’s favorite source of live news is Fox News.  Here are some of their fake news:

Asians aren’t liberals because they are hardworking.

Men should “dominate” women.

Fox commentator says she would look “fabulous” on food stamps because she would be so skinny.

Americans aren’t “pure” like Swedes because they marry “other species and other ethnics.”

The push for gender equality is no longer necessary.

Jesus and Santa are both white.

Infidelity can make a better president.

Poor people aren’t really poor, because they have refrigerators.

Liberal women should not be able to hold office.

Sponge Bob pushes global warming agenda.

Mr. Rogers was evil for calling kids special.

Rape doesn’t happen on college campuses.

Told a black Columbia University professor he looked like a cocaine dealer.

Young women interested in politics should go back to dating apps.

Obama will introduce Sharia law.

Servicewomen should expect to be raped.

World War II Japanese internment camps were successful.

Obamacare includes death panels.

The saddest thing is that so many people use Fox as their only source of (mis)information and believe this stuff.

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