Sunday, January 20, 2019

More of some of my recent tweets.

·        We all knew someone like Trump in Middle School.  Fortunately, most of the rest of them grew up.

·        Trump’s name will be in history books, but it will be redacted.

·        Next from Rudy Giuliani:  “Collusion?  Oh, I thought you said confusion.  No confusion.  Donald knew exactly what he was doing.”

·        If Trump has to write out his State of the Union, it will start “Slate of the Onion.”

·        Trump is said to be finalizing details for his annual physical.  Is he trying to find someone to pee for him?

·        Trump had to serve “hamberders” to Clemson team because he was out of “covfefe.”

·        The consensus is either Trump is an agent for Russia or is Russia’s useful idiot.  Neither is the least bit comforting.

·        When can we have an Impeachment March?

·        Trump’s notes from his meeting with Putin were probably just a bunch of stick figure drawings.

·        It’s obvious someone else is writing some of Trump’s tweets.  The use of the word “usurpation: gave it away.  Trump wouldn’t know what it meant even if he could reach a dictionary.

·        Unfortunate misstatements are the cornerstones of this presidency.

·        Who needs a salary when you’re a grafter cheating the American people out of millions?

·        Trump decided to build the wall from Saran Wrap if they can figure out how to get it off the roll.

·        Trump’s Oval Office is the tweeting toilet.

·        Pictures showed Trump signing blank papers.  The staff told him they’re stealth orders.

·        If things keep going the way they are, the wall’s function will only be to keep Americans from migrating to Mexico.