Monday, June 29, 2020

It’s been awhile since I compiled a list of my recent tweets.  So, here’s a sample:

Apparently, Trump and Pence have no idea what’s going on in our government, which, when you think about it, might be a good thing.

Trump says nobody “told” him about the Russian bounty offer on U.S. troops.  Since he can’t read, next time somebody needs to draw him stick figures for his briefings.

Trump’s legacy might be perfect license plates from the prison workshop.

Can all of America join a class action suit against Trump for … well, everything?

Trump’s campaign is considering dropping the slogan “Keep America Great.”  Will they change it to WTF?

The first thing I will do when I hear that Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States is … breathe.

The crowd at the Trump rally looked like a Deliverance remake.

Trump showed he can drink water with one hand.  I can walk and chew gum.  I win!

The difference between a Klan rally and a GOP rally is clean sheets.

If the rally attendees are the cream of the crop, the milk had definitely soured.

The caption under pictures of Pompeo, Trump and Bolton should read, “To Tell the Truth Rejects.”

When asked whether I feel badly for Trump, I replied, “No, I feel badly because of Trump.”

MAGA idiots are claiming they have a health condition preventing them from wearing masks.  That’s true.  It’s called Empty Skull.

Trump thinks some Americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him.  I’d wear a condom on my nose if it would get him out.

When you go to a Trump rally, do you get hydroxychloroquine with your ticket?

So Bolton’s book is both classified and false?  Like hydroxychloroquine is both deadly and wonderful?

Attendees at Trump rallies will be given a mask and hand sanitizer.  How many of them do you think will drink the sanitizer?

How about changing the name of Aunt Jemima syrup to Aunt Susan Collins syrup?  Every time you pour it, it is mildly concerned.

The U.S. Senate is taking a 2-week recess on July 3.  Apparently, they are taking a recess from recess.

Trump thinks law and order is how you order a Big Mac.

Trump’s tweets are when your best friends are the voices in your head.

Trump referred to the U.S. Secret Service as the SS.  Apparently, Henrich Himmler came to him in a dream.

Someone asked what we should give the Trumps when they leave the White House.  I suggested the Big House.

Bunker Boy, Bunker Boy
Always being Putin’s toy.
Your constant golf trips are not earned.
Just Nero’s fiddling while Rome burned.
Bunker Boy, Bunker Boy
Toilet tweeting is your joy.
Come November this will pass
No more seeing your fat ass.