Friday, October 18, 2019

Although Fox “News” adoration of Trump has recently eroded a bit, it still aims to please him and Fox followers by lying on his behalf and maintaining that he has widespread popularity.  “News” is in quotes because it is only a brand name and Fox is not and never has been a legitimate news outlet.  Here’s just a smattering of the objective reality of his disapproval which you probably never saw on Fox:

·        Approximately 70 high ranking officials have left the Trump administration.

·        58 bipartisan former National Security Officials opposed Trump’s Emergency Declaration to build his “wall.”

·        300 ex-National Security Officials issue statement supporting an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump.

·        Republican Chairman of the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus and the top Republican on the House Select Climate Crisis Committee oppose Trump administration’s move to eliminate federal regulation of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

·        Conservative columnists Jennifer Rubin, George Will, Brett Stephens and Max Boot oppose Trump’s re-election.

·        United Church of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Catholic bishops and Southern Baptists all oppose Trump’s harsh treatment of immigrants.

·        40 Jewish leaders were arrested in New York City for protesting the Trump administration’s immigrant detention policies.  Jewish disapproval of Trump stands at 69%.

·        Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center states that Trump’s approach to morality prioritizes strength and power over care for the poor and powerless and his contempt for the weak, his bullying nature and lack of compassion and empathy form a worldwide view that Wehner believes is “incompatible with Christianity.”

·        The global approval rating of U.S. leadership ranks the United States at 31%, Russia at 30% and China at 34%.

·        The U.S. House of Representatives, in a large bipartisan majority, rebuked Trump for the Syria withdrawal.

·        11 Senate Republicans voted to block Trump’s border wall emergency declaration.

·        A group of 109 retired ambassadors who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations sent a letter to the Senate expressing serious concern over Trump’s CIA director nominee.

·        Current and former U.S. officials say the deluge of Trump political appointees at the State Department is hurting American diplomacy.

·        The union representing millions of construction workers across the U.S. is seeing early signs of a member driven revolt against Trump in 2020.

·        General Joseph Votel, the former head of U.S.Central Command who oversaw the campaign against ISIS said of Trump’s pulling troops out of Syria, “This policy abandonment threatens to undo five years’ worth of fighting against ISIS and will severely damage American credibility and reliability.”

·        Former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, said that unreliability from the oval office will reverberate well beyond Syria.

·        Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science.

·        Foreign service officers have said, “The president of the United States threatened potential charges of treason and execution to those who would dare report abuses of power.  Such a statement is not only illegal, it is immoral.”

·        76 retired U.S. Generals and diplomats have warned Trump against war with Iran.

·        A former U.S. Army leader in Europe says Trump’s attacks on NATO are “like a gift” to Putin.

·        A former White House official said that long before the call with the Ukraine president Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders were an anxiety ridden set of events for his aides and members of the administration.

·        Former commander of U.S. special Operations, Admiral William McRaven, said, “Our Republic is under attack From the President.”

·        In a commercial released by Republicans for the Rule of Law highlights examples of the ways Trump appears to have personally profited from his time in the White House.

·        Senator Mitt Romney said that withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria is a bloodstain on the annals of U.S. history.

Once again, I say if your only source of “news” is from Fox, see what’s really going on and CHANGE THE DAMN CHANNEL.