Monday, June 29, 2020

It’s been awhile since I compiled a list of my recent tweets.  So, here’s a sample:

Apparently, Trump and Pence have no idea what’s going on in our government, which, when you think about it, might be a good thing.

Trump says nobody “told” him about the Russian bounty offer on U.S. troops.  Since he can’t read, next time somebody needs to draw him stick figures for his briefings.

Trump’s legacy might be perfect license plates from the prison workshop.

Can all of America join a class action suit against Trump for … well, everything?

Trump’s campaign is considering dropping the slogan “Keep America Great.”  Will they change it to WTF?

The first thing I will do when I hear that Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States is … breathe.

The crowd at the Trump rally looked like a Deliverance remake.

Trump showed he can drink water with one hand.  I can walk and chew gum.  I win!

The difference between a Klan rally and a GOP rally is clean sheets.

If the rally attendees are the cream of the crop, the milk had definitely soured.

The caption under pictures of Pompeo, Trump and Bolton should read, “To Tell the Truth Rejects.”

When asked whether I feel badly for Trump, I replied, “No, I feel badly because of Trump.”

MAGA idiots are claiming they have a health condition preventing them from wearing masks.  That’s true.  It’s called Empty Skull.

Trump thinks some Americans are wearing masks to show they disapprove of him.  I’d wear a condom on my nose if it would get him out.

When you go to a Trump rally, do you get hydroxychloroquine with your ticket?

So Bolton’s book is both classified and false?  Like hydroxychloroquine is both deadly and wonderful?

Attendees at Trump rallies will be given a mask and hand sanitizer.  How many of them do you think will drink the sanitizer?

How about changing the name of Aunt Jemima syrup to Aunt Susan Collins syrup?  Every time you pour it, it is mildly concerned.

The U.S. Senate is taking a 2-week recess on July 3.  Apparently, they are taking a recess from recess.

Trump thinks law and order is how you order a Big Mac.

Trump’s tweets are when your best friends are the voices in your head.

Trump referred to the U.S. Secret Service as the SS.  Apparently, Henrich Himmler came to him in a dream.

Someone asked what we should give the Trumps when they leave the White House.  I suggested the Big House.

Bunker Boy, Bunker Boy
Always being Putin’s toy.
Your constant golf trips are not earned.
Just Nero’s fiddling while Rome burned.
Bunker Boy, Bunker Boy
Toilet tweeting is your joy.
Come November this will pass
No more seeing your fat ass.

Monday, April 20, 2020


After a number of weeks in isolation and while generally unaware of which day of the week I am living through, I often feel guilty if my mind strays briefly from the coronavirus.  If I steal a half hour to watch Live PD, or a few minutes to contemplate what I might plant in my backyard if it’s possible this summer, or even a couple of hours of uninterrupted sleep, my conscience registers it as a failing.  Yes, that is obsessive, but after all we are alive, we are well, and we personally know nobody who is a victim of the virus.  We also have a nice home, a comfortable retirement, access to enough food and other supplies to sustain us for as long as it takes, and our inconveniences are minor.  So many others have none of these advantages.  We continue to make donations, but still it gnaws at me.

The world confounds me … not the virus … but reactions to it.  Sure, I understand a bit of it.  I realize that younger people subscribe to what I call the doctrine of illogical invincibility – the “It can’t happen to me” philosophy.  As a member of the most vulnerable group, I can assure them that this perception fades with time.  In fact, I’m quite certain that social distancing and avoiding crowds will be prominent in the rest of the lives of those in our situation.

Of course the economy needs to restart; people have to get back to work.  However, it must be undertaken cautiously, incrementally and intelligently.  Reopening beaches as a first step in order to cure the inconvenience of “cabin fever” is unconscionable.  Death is the ultimate inconvenience.  Even if those who flocked to the Florida shores care nothing about their own well-being, they are now potentially exposing all with whom they come in contact.  There is so much selfishness evident in such attitudes and statements like the one made by a Denver “protestor” who said, “Death is a part of life…and it’s time to start living again.”  There is no hint of concern for loved ones or just as importantly healthcare workers who have to deal with the results of this kind of attitude.

That brings me to my boundless admiration for and gratitude to the first responders, doctors, nurses, researchers, plasma donors, public servants, volunteers and essential workers who have kept us going and are continually risking their lives to do so.  I offer my respect to the brave healthcare workers who physically blocked cars of the Denver demonstrators who were encouraged by Donald Trump.  Many of these so-called protestors were disregarding social distancing orders and holding up senseless signs such as, “Your health does not supersede my right.”  The heroes in masks face the enemy every day; these cowards on the street face only their own ignorance.  One heroic nurse said that the protests felt like a slap in the face to medical workers.  Dr. Anthony Fauci has warned that demonstrations against quarantine orders will only serve to prolong the shutdown period.  But, when you’re only about “me” and are currently free of the virus, there is no logic or empathy.

Those who call the virus a hoax cheapen life by disregarding the pain and suffering of 40,000 deaths.  Those who equate the number of virus deaths to those killed in auto accidents are familiar only with poor driving habits and not with the mechanisms of contagion.  Those who believe all the misinformation and supposed cures floating around on the internet would have happily bought from snake oil salesmen a century ago.  Those who urge us to immediately go back to the pre-virus way of life doom us to repeat the cycle.

Over the past 80 years, we have faced numerous man-made crises; Hitler’s Nazi scourge, Soviet nuclear threat, the terrorists of 9/11.  Together we faced them all with grit and determination, which was pretty much all we had.  Now we face a crisis that is not man-made but fortunately has human ingenuity to assist us.  As a former scientist, it is incomprehensible to me that there are supposedly intelligent human beings who reject science, who don’t believe medical experts, who think they can cure the virus by going outside.  We have been asked to stay home, keep our distance from others and wear masks where appropriate.  Have we become so indifferent that our temporary sacrifices overtake the costs of previous generations?  There will be therapeutics; there will be a vaccine; there will be an end.  The economic pain is real and the businesses must be reopened and rebuilt, but only when it can be done orderly without creating a viral rebound.

I have been particularly concerned about today’s children, how they would fare during this emergency and how they would remember it.  I still have vivid memories of duck and cover exercises during the era when the Soviet Union was expected to launch a nuclear attack.  Judging by our wonderful grandchildren, I doubt I need worry.  They are extraordinary resourceful, resilient, understanding and brave; I’m a very proud grandpa.

My hope that the actions and inactions of the uneducated, uninformed, untruthful, unconcerned, unsympathetic, intolerant, indoctrinated, complaining, self-serving and sometimes downright delusional will be swept away like crumbs on the fabric of history.  What should remain is the commemoration of decency, compassion, good works and selflessness.

One of many ironies - I was reading a story in the Los Angeles Times about small town America and their lack or concern for the virus.  Their interviewee said, "This virus isn't necessarily as bad as it's made out to be.  People are overreacting to this damn coronavirus thing," as he took a drag from his cigarette.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My last (sarcastic) blog was titled “Vote for Trump if …”  This very earnest one is “Don’t vote for Trump if you want a President who…”

·        Brings honor, decency, and dignity back to the White House.

·        Strives to have the rest of the world respect the U.S.A. again.

·        Doesn’t average 15 lies per day.

·        Understands and follows the Constitution.

·        Doesn’t cost taxpayers $109 million playing golf over 260 days since taking office.

·        Understands the basics of the science of vaccines.

·        Doesn’t have children whose personal business trips cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

·        Really does hire the “best people” who will stay in the administration rather than have hundreds and hundreds of appointees resign or be fired.

·        Doesn’t cozy up to dictators like Vladimir Putin.

·        Won’t claim that windmills cause cancer.

·        Will actually read briefing papers.

·        Would never consider the free press the enemy of the people.

·        Respects the military and doesn’t divert money from it to build an absurd scalable wall that already has tunnels built beneath it.

·        Doesn’t encourage racists, neo-Nazis and misogynists.

·        Either divests assets or places them in a blind trust.

·        Wouldn’t rely on Fox News to develop national policy.

·        Reduces the national deficit rather than raising it to $1 trillion.

·        Releases all personal financial information.

·        Recognizes that we are all descendants of immigrants who have always been the cornerstone of this country’s success.

·        Has not declared bankruptcy six times.

·        Would not call a potential pandemic outbreak a hoax.

·        Works to reduce gun violence.

·        Understands what is meant by climate change and helps to preserve the environment for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.

·        Doesn’t try to alter facts with a Sharpie.

·        Protects everyone with pre-existing conditions.

·        Does not spend the majority of each day tweeting.

·        Would never even think of mocking a disabled person.

·        Refers to people by name rather than juvenile nicknames.

·        Has not been accused by 17 women of sexual assault or harassment.

·        Has not admitted to sexual assault on camera.

·        Never attempts to blackmail other countries into interfering in our elections.

·        Will not separate children from their parents and place them in cages.

·        Would not manufacture one’s own medical evaluation.

·        Treats NATO members as allies, not enemies.

·        Would not be required to pay $25 million for defrauding students with a sham university.

·        Has not cheated on 3 spouses.

·        Will appoint cabinet members who are actually qualified for the position.

·        Would show concern about 100 U.S. troops suffering traumatic brain injury from Iranian missile attack rather than calling the injuries “not very serious” and “headaches.”

If none of these resonate with you, then your vision for this country must be extraordinarily dark.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

You should vote for Donald Trump in 2020 IF:

·        If you describe it as a perfect call when a president threatens to withhold aid to an ally unless they announce an attempt to discredit his political opponent.

·        If you believe that immigrants are rapists, drug dealers, thugs and murderers (although each of us is descended from immigrants).

·        If you are enamored with the middle school practice of creating nicknames such as Pocahontas, Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary, Crazy Nancy.

·        If you are thrilled with the idea that the United States should require everyone to be directed by one religion.

·        If you approve of assassination if someone has said “bad things about our country.  How much of this s--t do we have to listen to?”  (A direct quote)

·        If legality is irrelevant to you, since the GAO ruled that Trump broke the law by withholding Ukraine’s funds.

·        If your sense of proper fiscal policy is increasing the national debt by 3 trillion dollars.

·        If your respect for the military is so low that you are fine with Trump diverting $3.6 billion from the congressionally approved military budget (and not Mexico) to help fund his “wall,” which is easily scalable with ladders.

·        If you believe that neo-Nazis marching and chanting, “Jews will not replace us,” are some very fine people.

·        If you look forward to declaring bankruptcy if Obamacare and pre-existing condition protection is overturned.

·        If you don’t mind leaving an earth to your grandchildren that is warming so rapidly that Florida, Seattle, New York and San Francisco, among others, could all be flooded by the end of the century.

·        If your idea of business success is declaring bankruptcy 6 times.

·        If you’re just fine with a president, who, after declaring he would be too busy to play golf or even to leave the White House, has visited his own golf properties 22 percent of the days he has been in office, costing taxpayers an estimated $120 million.

·        If you admire a leader who lies an average of 32 times a day.

·        If your sense of morality approves paying hush money about an affair to a porn star.

·        If your caregiving idea for children is to separate them from their parents and keep them in cages.

·        If you are in agreement with denigrating a war hero because he was a prisoner of war.

·        If you’re fine with a president who has cheated on all of his 3 wives.

·        If you are OK with using a Sharpie to alter a National Weather Service hurricane prediction.

·        If you’re not bothered by a president whose greatest ally is a Russian dictator.

·        If you don’t mind that, unlike every other President, Trump failed to divest himself of his business interests or put them in a blind trust.

·        If your sense of decency accepts the fact that he had to pay $2 million to 8 charities under a settlement in which he admitted that he had used his charity to bolster his campaign and settle business debts.

·        If you praise him for insisting on a top security clearance for his son-in-law, who had to amend his security form multiple times to add over 100 foreign contacts.

·        If your concept of “hiring the best people” would result in 178 individuals who have left or been fired with 6 former advisors being indicted (so far).

·        If you agree with Trump who told our top military leaders that they are a “bunch of dopes and babies.” (A direct quote)

·        If you are comfortable with a president who governs by tweets and insults.

·        If you’ve ever said that you would like to date your daughter.

·        If you find an excellent role model in a president who was twice sued by the U.S. Justice Department for refusing to rent to African Americans.

·        If you too would retweet an anti-Semitic meme created by white supremacists and found on a neo-Nazi forum.

·        If you would have attended Trump University (unlicensed) which paid a $25 million settlement to former students who said they were defrauded.

·        Etc., etc.

If so, you deserve him.