Friday, March 17, 2017

Representative Chaffetz, who could argue with wanting an IPhone over a liver transplant?

Under TrumpCare, the poor will have to scale the wall to get into Mexico to get their medicine.

As a former environmental biologist, I believe in science!!  I am incensed at the Republican push to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency.  Even before the House of Representatives introduced House Resolution 861 to terminate the EPA, the Trump administration eliminated the word “science” from the EPA’s mission statement.  I hope everyone remembers what your city’s air looked like prior to the EPA’s founding in 1970, because it will be even worse if this agency is sacked.

Here’s a look at some of the matters which are regulated by the EPA:

Regulations asbestos in schools, public and commercial buildings, cleanup sites and products.

Sets air pollution standards for carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, nitrogen oxides, particulates and sulfur dioxide.

Controls acid rain.

Regulates greenhouse gas emissions.  (If you don’t believe that greenhouse gases cause climate change, take a look at the planet Venus!)

Radiation protection standards.

Transportation pollution regulation.

Implementation of the Endangered Species Act.

Develops regulatory actions to protect children from environmental health and safety risks.

Enforcement of laws protecting human health from the harmful effects of lead and mercury.

The nation’s principal conservation agency, protecting public lands and natural resources.

So, if the Republican Congress has its way:  Our air and water will be polluted, there will no longer be public education, our wildlife will disappear, millions will be without healthcare, women will no longer be able to obtain healthcare at Planned Parenthood, unions will be banned, cities will be unable to protect their own citizens, legal abortion will no longer exist under any circumstances, investors will be screwed, and kids will be treated like slaves.  Welcome to the Republican vision for America.

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