Thursday, February 23, 2017

Rand Paul says there isn’t enough time to investigate Republicans.  Who can argue with that?

Trump’s official inauguration poster had a misspelled word.  Was it written by Betsy DeVos?

It is often said that you are judged by the company you keep.  Let’s examine the company that President Trump keeps – a few of his nominees  (Of course, out of 549 key administrative positions, the President has filled a grand total of 14):

·       Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor:  We all know this one.  He was forced to resign for committing the possible treasonous act of negotiating with a foreign power as a private citizen.

·       Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President:  So much to say.  Let’s keep it at her federal ethics violation for hawking Ivanka’s made in China and Vietnam clothing line on television.  The counselor to the President had to be counseled.

·       Steve Bannon, Assistant to the President:  Under his leadership, Breitbart News served as a platform for a wide range of bigotry and hate.

·       Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education: As chair of the pro-school choice advocacy group behind the spread of charter schools in Michigan (essentially a lobbyist), her program left plenty of charter schools with the lowest test scores in the state with no accountability.  With funding shifted away from public schools, the Detroit Public Schools was the country’s lowest performing school district.

·       Andrew Puzder, nominee for Secretary of Labor:  As CEO of Hardee’s and Carl’s, Jr., he stated that his workers were the “worst of the worst.”  His company which owns Hardee’s and Carls, Jr., has been found guilty of a long stream of labor law violations.  He and his wife hired an undocumented housekeeper and failed to pay taxes on her employment.  I bet his home was spotless, though.  (OOPS, he dropped out).

·       Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury: Initially omitted $100 million in personal assets and offshore businesses from his nomination paperwork.

·       Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce:  Sang a song at a secret ceremony mocking poor people.  Bought a textile company and outsourced jobs to emerging markets, laying off hundreds of workers.  Bought up bankrupt coal mines, but only after the bankruptcy court stripped miners, some with black lung disease, of their medical coverage.

·       Jeff Sessons, Attorney General:  The Republican controlled Senate rejected him for a federal judge position, finding him too questionable a candidate.  He accused the ACLU and NAACP of trying to force civil rights down the throats of people.  Called a white lawyer a disgrace to his race for representing a black client.  He called the Voting Rights Act a piece of intrusive legislation.

The company Trump keeps wouldn’t be welcome in my house.

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