Friday, February 10, 2017

President Trump said, “I heard things I couldn’t believe.”  Has he finally been listening to himself?

Conway says Trump “supports” her after ethics violation.  Surprise, surprise.

I emailed my Senator again after his vote to confirm Sessions.  I said, “Shame on you.”  He has yet to send me a form letter.

Now, short and sweet today after yesterday’s emotional blog.

Why on earth would Jews support Muslim refugees?

Why would rabbis commit civil disobedience and go to jail while protesting the immigration ban?  Here are a few thoughts.

·        There are radical Islamists who want to destroy us; there are many peaceful Muslims.  We don’t hate Muslims.

·        There are American neo-Nazis who encourage our extermination; this horrifies most Americans.  America is our country that we love.

·        European Alt-right groups put out a deluge of anti-Semitic material and say, “We aren’t racist – we just hate Jews”; many European leaders have decried the rise of anti-Semitism.  We embrace Europe as the home of our ancestors.

·        Many of us disagree with some of Israel’s politics; many of us are in lockstep with Netanyahu.  Without reservation, we all defend the right of Israel’s existence.

·        We enjoy some television shows; most of what’s on TV is insipid.  We’re still keeping our 65 inch screen.

·        I enjoy pizza; I dislike lima beans. I will continue eat.

In short, blanket condemnations are illogical.  No group of anything is either all good or all bad.  No country has a 100% evil population.  The Cato Institute reports that the chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugee is 1 in 3.64 billion per year and by an attack committed by an illegal immigrant is 1 in 10.9 billion per year.

But, let’s hear from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, who expresses it much more eloquently than I.  Here is the link to the explanation from one of the arrested rabbis:

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