Sunday, December 9, 2018

Once again, my commentaries have been limited to Twitter, so here is a recap of some of my recent tweets.

·        For Pearl Harbor Day, Trump issued a congratulatory message thanking Pearl for all of the hard work she has been doing.

·        To be fair, who among us hasn’t given “thumbs up” to mourners at a funeral.

·        Methinks Tariff Man will soon have to answer to Sheriff Man.

·        Trump is wondering whether prison toilets are comfortable enough for tweeting.

·        Melania’s Christmas decorations look like Cousin It and his family are bleeding.

·        My Christmas wish to Trump:  “May your Christmas be worse than the Griswold’s.”

·        Sarah Sanders tries to be June Cleaver with her pearls, but she’s actually Eddie Haskell.

·        “Safe” tear gas is like a little pregnant and minimally dead.

·        For Trump’s appointees, “vetted” means checked by a veterinarian.

·        Trump said he would have helped at a Food Bank like President Obama did, but he doesn’t know the recipes for Big Macs and Diet Pepsi.

·        Trump’s response to the Khashoggi killing, “Well, you know it’s only like murder.  No big deal.  But Hillary’s emails …”

·        The good news for Ivanka if she is indicted is that maybe then she wouldn’t have to travel far for her conjugal visits.

·        Picking Trump’s most dangerous trait is like choosing between salmonella and all the other food poisonings.

·        Tariff Man, Tariff Man

Drives the market down the can.
And he sends the debt sky high.
Next he’ll tweet another lie.

·        Trump should be Time Out’s Man of the Year.

·        Trump thought Mueller’s questions would be like, “Spell cat.”

·        Norman Bates was spotted at Safeway trying to buy Lucky Charms dressed as his mother.

·        I took some time off from Twitter after the election until I remembered that so many people are still ignorant and racist.

·        Trump called Representative Schiff “Adam Schitt” and the other kids on the playground laughed and laughed.

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