Nazi runs as Republican for Illinois Congressional seat. He must be one of Trump’s “very fine people.”
Here’s a very partial list of those whom
Trump has insulted:
John McCain, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush,
Anderson Cooper, Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton,
Mitt Romney, President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Todd, George Will, Lisa
Murkowski, Jeff Sessions, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz,
Snoop Dog, Democrats, Dick Durbin, Chicago, Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Flake, New
York Times, Washington Post, Forbes, Robert Gates, Meryl Streep, Kirsten
Gillibrand, Whoopi Goldberg, Chuck Todd, Nikki Haley, The Justice Department,
Hamilton, Mexico, Obamacare, Doug Jones, Nancy Pelosi, Kim Jong Un, George
Papadopoulos, Michael Wolff, protestors, George Will, Amazon, Bill Kristol,
Megyn Kelly, Dreamers, Rand Paul, Colin Kaepernick, Tim Kaine, Obamacare, Iran,
Congress, United States, Today Show, Hollywood, Al Franken, Bill Clinton, Chris
Christie, F.B.I., Chicago, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Facebook, Emmy Awards, People’s
Choice Awards, Meet the Press, Megyn Kelly, LaVar Ball, Joe Scarborough, Mika
Brzezinski, Paul Ryan, Saturday Night Live, Cory Booker, Donna Brazile, Joy
Behar, Richard Blumenthal, Steve Bannon, Rod Rosenstein, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Alec
Baldwin, Macy’s, Michael Bloomberg, NATO, United Nations, Wall Street Journal,
the disabled, Muslims, African Americans, Asians, Michelle Obama, Hispanics,
Jews, women, the White House, Khizr Khan, Carly Fiorina, Pope Francis, Haiti,
El Salvador, Africa, Michael Wolff, Heidi Klum, journalists, late night hosts,
Rosie O’Donnell, Robert DeNiro, Mark Cuban, Rick Perry, John Kasich, Elizabeth
Warren, the media, U.S. Post Office, Bob Corker, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Irish
Americans, Charles Krauthammer, Academy Awards, Brian Williams, Chris Matthews,
immigrants, television networks, Arianna Huffington, Puerto Rico, U.S.
military, Air Force One, Native Americans, gays and lesbians, widow of a Green
Beret, holocaust survivors, voters, Harvard, Australia, Sweden, etc., etc.,
Notably absent: Russia, Vladimir Putin, NRA, Ivanka, Jared, Don
Jr., Eric, Stormy Daniels, Melania, his ex-wives who were paid off, Fox News, tanning
spray, Norway.
Exactly! Thanks pissed off Grandpa, from pissed off & furiosly angry Grandma , aka “Maga” ( don’t ask).