Thursday, March 5, 2020

My last (sarcastic) blog was titled “Vote for Trump if …”  This very earnest one is “Don’t vote for Trump if you want a President who…”

·        Brings honor, decency, and dignity back to the White House.

·        Strives to have the rest of the world respect the U.S.A. again.

·        Doesn’t average 15 lies per day.

·        Understands and follows the Constitution.

·        Doesn’t cost taxpayers $109 million playing golf over 260 days since taking office.

·        Understands the basics of the science of vaccines.

·        Doesn’t have children whose personal business trips cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

·        Really does hire the “best people” who will stay in the administration rather than have hundreds and hundreds of appointees resign or be fired.

·        Doesn’t cozy up to dictators like Vladimir Putin.

·        Won’t claim that windmills cause cancer.

·        Will actually read briefing papers.

·        Would never consider the free press the enemy of the people.

·        Respects the military and doesn’t divert money from it to build an absurd scalable wall that already has tunnels built beneath it.

·        Doesn’t encourage racists, neo-Nazis and misogynists.

·        Either divests assets or places them in a blind trust.

·        Wouldn’t rely on Fox News to develop national policy.

·        Reduces the national deficit rather than raising it to $1 trillion.

·        Releases all personal financial information.

·        Recognizes that we are all descendants of immigrants who have always been the cornerstone of this country’s success.

·        Has not declared bankruptcy six times.

·        Would not call a potential pandemic outbreak a hoax.

·        Works to reduce gun violence.

·        Understands what is meant by climate change and helps to preserve the environment for the benefit of our children and grandchildren.

·        Doesn’t try to alter facts with a Sharpie.

·        Protects everyone with pre-existing conditions.

·        Does not spend the majority of each day tweeting.

·        Would never even think of mocking a disabled person.

·        Refers to people by name rather than juvenile nicknames.

·        Has not been accused by 17 women of sexual assault or harassment.

·        Has not admitted to sexual assault on camera.

·        Never attempts to blackmail other countries into interfering in our elections.

·        Will not separate children from their parents and place them in cages.

·        Would not manufacture one’s own medical evaluation.

·        Treats NATO members as allies, not enemies.

·        Would not be required to pay $25 million for defrauding students with a sham university.

·        Has not cheated on 3 spouses.

·        Will appoint cabinet members who are actually qualified for the position.

·        Would show concern about 100 U.S. troops suffering traumatic brain injury from Iranian missile attack rather than calling the injuries “not very serious” and “headaches.”

If none of these resonate with you, then your vision for this country must be extraordinarily dark.