Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Three years later and a few of Trump’s failed promises:

·        Keep his business and the presidency separate.

·        Never take a vacation.

·        Won’t have time to play golf.

·        Provide his tax returns.

·        Drain the swamp.

·        Cut everyone’s taxes.

·        Balance the budget.

·        Grow the nation’s economy by at least 6%.

·        Allow the government to negotiate drug prices.

·        Make Mexico pay for “the wall.”

·        Ban foreign lobbyists from raising money for U.S. elections.

·        Rebuild the country’s aging infrastructure.

·        Bring manufacturing jobs back.

·        Replace Obamacare with “something terrific.”

·        “I will take care of women.”

·        Help veterans transition back to civilian life.

·        Cut the budget by 20%.

·        Eliminate corporate tax loopholes.

·        Prevent mass shootings.

·        Fix the background check system used when purchasing guns.

·        End North Korea’s nuclear program.

·        Protect everyone with pre-existing conditions.

·        Provide paid maternity leave to all.

·        Make America safer.

In other words, pay no attention to anything he says.