More of some of my recent tweets.
We all knew someone
like Trump in Middle School.
Fortunately, most of the rest of them grew up.
Trump’s name will
be in history books, but it will be redacted.
Next from Rudy
Giuliani: “Collusion? Oh, I thought you said confusion. No confusion.
Donald knew exactly what he was doing.”
If Trump has to
write out his State of the Union, it will start “Slate of the Onion.”
Trump is said to be
finalizing details for his annual physical.
Is he trying to find someone to pee for him?
Trump had to serve
“hamberders” to Clemson team because he was out of “covfefe.”
The consensus is
either Trump is an agent for Russia or is Russia’s useful idiot. Neither is the least bit comforting.
When can we have an
Impeachment March?
Trump’s notes from
his meeting with Putin were probably just a bunch of stick figure drawings.
It’s obvious
someone else is writing some of Trump’s tweets.
The use of the word “usurpation: gave it away. Trump wouldn’t know what it meant even if he
could reach a dictionary.
misstatements are the cornerstones of this presidency.
Who needs a salary
when you’re a grafter cheating the American people out of millions?
Trump decided to
build the wall from Saran Wrap if they can figure out how to get it off the
Trump’s Oval Office
is the tweeting toilet.
Pictures showed
Trump signing blank papers. The staff
told him they’re stealth orders.
If things keep
going the way they are, the wall’s function will only be to keep Americans from
migrating to Mexico.