I have been thoroughly convinced that the
unthinking fanatic devotees to Trump actually represent a political cult, the
definition of which was described many years ago as follows:
”Although we live in a democracy, cult
behavior manifests itself in an unwillingness to question the judgment of
leaders and the tendency to devalue outsiders.”
I did some research and found a number of
characteristics of cults and their followers which are chillingly descriptive
of this dangerous, destructive sheep like following:
Opposing news is
ridiculed and misrepresented.
Claims of special
exalted status for leaders.
The ends justify
whatever means are necessary.
Unwillingness to
question judgment of leaders.
Outsiders are
Critical thinking
is opposed.
inappropriate loyalty.
Dishonoring the
family unit.
Unreasonable fear
about the outside world.
No tolerance for
questions or critical inquiry.
Belief that the
leader is always right.
If the leader is
questioned, it is characterized as persecution (i.e., witch hunt).
Anything the leader
does can be justified, no matter how harmful.
One standard for
the followers and another for the leader.
An “Us against them”
attitude and philosophy.
Focus on an
imagined enemy.
No meaningful
financial disclosures.
Documented abuses
of the leader.
Pathological fear
of dissent and demonizing dissenters.
It’s not just our imagination. These people really are robotic members of
the cult of Trump.